How to Play
Divide into two teams, A and B.
Begin playing “What’s The Hook?”
Each round consists of two turns, and teams will alternate who starts each round.
Round 1 - A, B; Round 2 - B, A; Round 3 - A, B; Round 4 - B, A…
Round 1 starts with Team A choosing a card and reading the card aloud, ending with the question, “What’s The Hook?” Team A has 60-seconds to answer. If time runs out, Team B has 30-seconds to steal.
After Team A’s turn, Team B will have a turn and must choose a card of the same genre and difficulty.
After Team B’s turn of Round 1, Team B will start Round 2 and choose the genre and difficulty.
Teams must rotate their card reader each round.
First team to 30-points wins!
Each card has a point value of two or three (microphones)
The team that starts the turn has the potential to earn the full amount of points on the card by providing the song title, artist and by singing/rapping the hook (it’s just more fun that way lol). If that team provides only the artist and song title, without singing the hook, they will receive one point less than the total possible points.
The team who steals the turn can earn one-point max by answering with the song title and artist or singing/rapping the hook.
Don’t be too technical. The game is meant to show general recognition of the lyrics/song. Just laugh, sing, and have a good time!